Early Morning in Montidinove work in progress |
I have begun a painting from one of my photographs, an early morning street in Montidinove. This is a diptych, each panel is 12x24 inches.
First I drew most of it out in pencil. I skipped all the modern electric lines and street signs. Then I went over it in diluted acrylic.
Early Morning in Montidinove, work in progress |
Then I toned the canvas with diluted raw sienna.
Early Morning in Montidinove, work in progress |
Then I worked on the shading with diluted burnt umber. All of this was done with regular fast drying acrylics.
Early Morning in Montidinove work in progress |
Then I broke out my Chroma Atelier acrylics. These are acrylics that can be re-wet and reworked even when touch dry. I like how the new layers of paint melt into the first layers. I think it builds up the color nicer than with regular acrylics.
Here I've begun on the sky, at the very top is a little cobalt blue.
Early Morning in Montidinove work in progress |
Then I began adding Cerulean mixed with a little Titanium white as I begin going down the sky, adding more and more white as I go, going back and forth blending it in.
Early Morning in Montidinove work in progress |
Towards the bottom of the sky I added a touch of Naples Yellow. Here I've also begun laying in some local color and suggesting the wall textures.
Early Morning Montidinove, work in progress |
I continue to work from back to front, adding color and texture. Here I've also smoothed out the sky a little more.
Early Morning Montidinove work in progress |
Here I've begun work on some of the background and mid-ground details like the flower pots. I have now covered the entire canvas with at least one layer of the Atelier paint.